My Chislehurst by Amber Wilde

Chislehurst has been my home for two separate periods in my life.  The first was following my parents’ divorce as a child, jubilant to see an end to their turbulent relationship but raw and grieving for my childhood home, the cats that my mother had left behind...

My Chislehurst by Jonathon de Maid

My connection with Chislehurst began when my grandparents moved here from Bow, East London. They moved into Westhurst Drive in the 1930’s. They became members of the Chislehurst Residents Association (the forerunner to the Chislehurst Society) and lived here for...

My Chislehurst by Millie Brierley

I compare my relationship to Chislehurst with my feelings towards the Star Wars franchise: in the case of the latter, I could reel off a decent list of characters with ease – and could probably even call up a plot line or two, at a push – even though I’ve never seen...

My Chislehurst by Jo Boyce

I moved to Chislehurst with my parents and sister when I was 7 years old and so, apart from 4 years living in Dartford after my husband and I bought our first house, I have been a BR7 resident the majority of my life. I have incredibly fond memories of growing up...

My Chislehurst by Louise Osborn

When my husband (then boyfriend) and I were looking to buy our first house, Chislehurst was the perfect compromise between him wanting to move closer to his family in his native Kent, and me not wanting to move too far away from London. For a rightmove obsessive like...