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Whilst it may not feel like the best time of year to get out in the garden when the rain stops and we have a crisp autumn day it can be love to make the move of the daylight and get outside. So what jobs are good for this time of year:

  1. Have a tidy up…… but don’t be too tidy

Now is the time to have a bit of tidy up. Clear away any items which will only get weather sitting out all winter: perhaps the BBQ, supports that aren’t in use or decorative items in the garden. Also cut away or dig up any diseased material and get rid of it, not in the compost.

However, don’t be too tidy. Leaves and dying plant material is vital for hibernating animals such as hedgehogs so if you can bare it try to leave it alone until the weather warms up in spring when you can clear it away ready for new growth.

  1. Feed the birds

At this time of year there is relatively little to forage so why not welcome back those migratory birds with some bird feed.

  1. Get those bulbs in

Bulbs which will flower in the spring need to be planted now, the sooner the better. This will give them plenty of time to get roots established over winter before they emerge in spring.

  1. Look after your tools

It’s a good time to clean up and sort out your tools. Sharpen any blades and get all the mud off before they go away for the winter to prevent rusting and make sure they are ready to go in the spring.

  1. Plant a Tree

If you want a new tree in your garden then now is the time to plant. Planting trees at this time of year puts a lot less stress on the tree as there is plenty of moisture in the soil and they aren’t actively growing leaves so it gives them the best chance of doing well next year.

For more tips and garden design inspiration follow me on Instagram @victorialeggegardendesign

Victoria Legge Garden Design:

Author: admin