Discover The Beauty of Lumiere London with Mary & Mick Design

Chislehurst is a lovely little village, which often feels like it’s in the countryside, but sometimes you get the urge to travel up to the bright lights. Last weekend we braved the cold and hopped on the train up to Victoria for Lumiere London. This wasn’t just...

Movie of the Month! Reviewed by The Daily Style Edit

So, what exactly is MOLLY’S GAME? Well, let’s just say the truth is often far more extraordinary, compelling and explosive than fiction. From the outset of Molly Bloom’s story, a former high achieving Olympian Skier turned hugely successful High Stakes...

Finding your Purpose in 2018-with Steve Chamberlain Life Coach

As the clock struck midnight on 31 December, many of us will have made a resolution that 2018 will mark a new chapter in our lives. The job that has never felt quite right will be left behind for a career that genuinely excites us; the business we’ve always dreamed of...

Ten top tips for a stress-free Christmas by Life Coach Steve Chamberlain

10 top tips for a stress-free Christmas  Christmas is a time for celebration with work colleagues, joyous family gatherings and a well-earned recharge after a busy year. Or so we’re led to believe. However, our experience can be somewhat different to that portrayed in...